Repeal Rider in Budget act Delisting Wolves from ESA .
Repeal and/or amend rider in budget act Delisting Wolves from ESA
We the undersigned demand Congress to review and repeal the section under the Budget act that federally delisted wolves from the Endangered Species Act which took effect on January 27,2012.In the Budget bill,a rider was inserted by Senator Jon Tester (D) - Montana which reads as follows:?SEC. 1713. Before the end of the 60-day period beginning on the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Interior shall reissue the final rule published on April 2, 2009 (74 Fed. Reg. 15123 et seq.) without regard to any other provision of statute or regulation that applies to issuance of such rule. Such reissuance (including this section) shall not be subject to judicial review and shall not abrogate or otherwise have any effect on the order and judgment issued by the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming in Case Numbers 09?CV?118J and 09?CV?138J on November 18, 2010.? We ask for this rider to be repealed based on the following : 1.The rider bans citizens from challenging the wolf delisting decision while preserving anti-wolf litigation brought by the state of Wyoming and others. 2.Prior statements from US Fish and Wildlife service maintained that wolf predation on livestock animals was not what they considered an "emergency "situation. 3.Since 1974,millions of dollars were spent protecting wolves under the ESA,and while populations of wolves have increased with success,there is no accurate scientific data available depicting true numbers of individuals or packs. 4. State wildlife management agencies,such as the DNR in the state of Wisconsin,are not regulating the hunting of wolves and Wolf cubs are allowefdto be slaughtered in vast numbers.5. Congress passed this fiscal bill that included the rider prohibiting citizens,and even the courts,from intervention in the delisting of wolves.We believe this to be unconstitutional and a violation of first amendment rights. Do the right thing,repeal this rider from the bill,return the wolves to the protection of the ESA. No other Congress in US history has ever removed a species from the ESA until now,nor should it,without accurate scientific data showing sufficient increase in populace levels,Unless Congress reverses this rider,wolves will be hunted once again to the very brink of extinction.
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