De- fund D.H.S. ammunition purchases for 3 years and cancel current contracts.
Approaching 1 trillion rounds of ammunition
Janet Napalitano has ILEAGALLY redacted information from ammunition solicitation forms.For this she needs to be investigated. To provide some perspective, experts estimate that at the peak of the Iraq war American troops were firing around 5.5 million rounds per month. At that rate, DHS is armed now for a 24-year long war. There is a question as to why D.H.S. needs enough ammunition to support a prolonged war.
"We The People" Demand an immediate halt to these ammunition purchases as we believe these purchases are designed to A: keep Americans from purchasing ammunition by creating a shortage or B: Could possibly be used AGAINST the American people
"We The People" Demand an immediate halt to these ammunition purchases as we believe these purchases are designed to A: keep Americans from purchasing ammunition by creating a shortage or B: Could possibly be used AGAINST the American people
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