Please Support Executive Clemency for federal prisoner Leonard Peltier!
Because...."InJustice Anywhere is a threat to Justice Everywhere!"
Through 6 former Presidents and President Obama's 1st term in Office, Millions of Individuals world-wide (including Judges, Attorneys, Statesmen & Dignitaries) have rallied in support of Clemency for Wrongly Incarcerated Native American Human Rights/Environmental Rights Activist Leonard Peltier. I am a long time supporter of Leonard's. We are asking that you make a pledge in support of Executive Clemency for Leonard Peltier ID #89637-132, in writing, to President Obama with a copy to Representative John Lewis of Georgia who has an on-going Campaign for Executive Clemency.
Attached is the National Congress of American Indians? (NCAI) 2011 Resolution for Clemency which gives very concise information. http://www.ncai.org/attachments/Resolution_DxrFOycqafREQyecPHumBKyuJvysldnDAVGQaOWfBDNaSNQyvlv_PDX-11-082_final.pdf
I will tell you true, Leonard is a sick man who is getting older and sicker; given his poor medical treatment throughout his lengthily Incarceration?his very life may depend on your right action; his life certainly is in the hands of President Obama!
My sincere Appreciation to You. In Peace.
Attached is the National Congress of American Indians? (NCAI) 2011 Resolution for Clemency which gives very concise information. http://www.ncai.org/attachments/Resolution_DxrFOycqafREQyecPHumBKyuJvysldnDAVGQaOWfBDNaSNQyvlv_PDX-11-082_final.pdf
I will tell you true, Leonard is a sick man who is getting older and sicker; given his poor medical treatment throughout his lengthily Incarceration?his very life may depend on your right action; his life certainly is in the hands of President Obama!
My sincere Appreciation to You. In Peace.
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