
Keep America Safe From Guns

There were already too many tragic deaths involving people with assault weapons.

Dear Members of Congress,

After the assault at Sandy Hook we realized that it has gone too far. We think that people should not be able to buy assault weapons designed to kill many people at once. When the 2nd Amendment was passed, saying people had the right to bear arms, it was meant for self defense. The modern assault weapons did not exist in 1791 when this law was adopted. We are representing the children of the United States who do not want to wake up every morning with a thought that someone close to us, or even ourselves, might die that day. We do not want to see our friends or loved ones die in schools or movie theaters or malls any more.

Gun-related deaths in US are 5 times higher than in Norway (which suffered terrible tragedy in 2011), 36 times higher than in Great Britain and 131 times higher than in Japan. We do not understand how having higher rate of gun-related deaths can be a good thing for our country and our future. We also don?t understand how can anyone argue against Gun Control laws that were enacted in European Union and other countries and which are clearly keeping their citizens safer than us here.

Please help us stop the killings and the murders and the massacres by enacting legislation that will ban assault weapons and require a special license, a strict application process with a background investigation and a mental check for every person wanting to acquire a gun.