Save NSF Funding for Political Science
We want to allow the National Science Foundation to fund important research in poliitics, policy and democracy.
Dear Senator,
On May 9th, the House of Representatives passed an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act to prohibit the NSF political science funding. I implore you to oppose this and have the funding included.
The National Science Foundation?s political science program provides essential funding for cutting edge social science research. As Representative Flake (R-AZ) noted ?the work of political scientists advances the knowledge and understanding of citizenship and government, politics, and this shouldn't be minimized.?
It is important to have accurate information regarding significant political issues that face the country, including the causes of political extremism, the moderation of terrorism, the characteristics of a strong democracy and more.
Please return funding for political science to the NSF.
On May 9th, the House of Representatives passed an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act to prohibit the NSF political science funding. I implore you to oppose this and have the funding included.
The National Science Foundation?s political science program provides essential funding for cutting edge social science research. As Representative Flake (R-AZ) noted ?the work of political scientists advances the knowledge and understanding of citizenship and government, politics, and this shouldn't be minimized.?
It is important to have accurate information regarding significant political issues that face the country, including the causes of political extremism, the moderation of terrorism, the characteristics of a strong democracy and more.
Please return funding for political science to the NSF.
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