
Repeal the NDAA

HR 3785 repeals section 1021 of the NDAA 2012

RE: H.R.3785 To repeal section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012.

I am writing as a constituent in your Congressional district. I support H.R.3785 - To repeal section 1021 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, and am tracking it using, the free public resource website for government transparency and accountability. Now that the bill has been referred to the House Foreign Affairs and House Armed Services committees, it is in need of co-sponsers. Your colleagues Representative Amash (MI-3) and Representative Jones (NC-3) have taken action to co-sponser the bill, and I urge you also to take this action.

While the NDAA may have good intentions of securing our populace from terrorist threats, it is unconstitutional to have or threaten any American citizen to indefinite detainment without due process or a fair trial by his or her peers. If no action is taken by you to support the bill, it will be understood our Representative has no regard for his constituent's civil liberties and freedoms. As a fellow American, we hope you understand our constitutional rights as individuals need not to be trampled on, and the threat of large government detainment is generally despised by our local community.

If any clarification is needed for H.R.3785, please contact your fellow Representative 's office, Representative Paul (TX-14), the author of the bill. Thank you for your time.