Employment Compensation for Congressional Representatives
Limit the financial influances that keep Congressional Represetatives acting in conflict of national interests.
No member of Congress shall receive pay greater than the national median household income as determined by the U.S. Census Bureau for the present year. Health and Disability insurance shall be provided at equal rates and coverage as provided to a majority of legally employed American workers not protected by and or held by labor union regulations. No member of Congress shall be allowed to demand fees, wages, salaries or other compensation from personal or private appearances for personal use. No member of Congress shall hold a position of authority/management in any not-for-profit and/or for profit organization.
No member of Congress shall reside on any federal or other publicly owned land or in any federal or other publicly owned structure not determined as a proper residential facility by the United States Housing and Urban Development agency. No member of Congress shall reside in publicly owned housing facility unless rents and/or leases are paid at fair market value.
Any and all personal debt incurred by any member of Congress, public and or private, shall be the sole responsibility of that member of Congress. No member of Congress shall accept loans, gifts, services, monies and/or other compensation held as campaign or political contributions for himself/herself or other Congressional Representatives.
No member of Congress shall be allowed to take the oath office if public and/or private liens are held against him or her except personal credit debt. All members must be current with alimony and/or child support as documented by his or her home state as personal circumstances require.
Personal gifts of cash and/or in-kind services or products received by persons or representatives of for-profit and/or not-for-profit organizations not eligible to vote in his or her district or state shall be considered as income and taxed at its fair market value to be assessed by the Congressional Budget Office or other Non-Government Organization not affiliated with any member of Congress and/or his/her immediate family.
Personal gifts of cash and/or in-kind services or products received on behalf of for-profit and/or not-for-profit organizations shall be considered as income and taxed at its fair market value to be assessed by the Congressional Budget Office or other Non-Government Organization not affiliated with any member of Congress and/or his/her immediate family.
One paid day per month shall be allowed for sick leave, not transferable to the next year. Two paid days of vacation per month shall be given, not transferable to the next year. Unused sick days or vacation days shall not be exchanged for compensation.
The full text of this proposal can be read at:
No member of Congress shall reside on any federal or other publicly owned land or in any federal or other publicly owned structure not determined as a proper residential facility by the United States Housing and Urban Development agency. No member of Congress shall reside in publicly owned housing facility unless rents and/or leases are paid at fair market value.
Any and all personal debt incurred by any member of Congress, public and or private, shall be the sole responsibility of that member of Congress. No member of Congress shall accept loans, gifts, services, monies and/or other compensation held as campaign or political contributions for himself/herself or other Congressional Representatives.
No member of Congress shall be allowed to take the oath office if public and/or private liens are held against him or her except personal credit debt. All members must be current with alimony and/or child support as documented by his or her home state as personal circumstances require.
Personal gifts of cash and/or in-kind services or products received by persons or representatives of for-profit and/or not-for-profit organizations not eligible to vote in his or her district or state shall be considered as income and taxed at its fair market value to be assessed by the Congressional Budget Office or other Non-Government Organization not affiliated with any member of Congress and/or his/her immediate family.
Personal gifts of cash and/or in-kind services or products received on behalf of for-profit and/or not-for-profit organizations shall be considered as income and taxed at its fair market value to be assessed by the Congressional Budget Office or other Non-Government Organization not affiliated with any member of Congress and/or his/her immediate family.
One paid day per month shall be allowed for sick leave, not transferable to the next year. Two paid days of vacation per month shall be given, not transferable to the next year. Unused sick days or vacation days shall not be exchanged for compensation.
The full text of this proposal can be read at:
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