Outlaw Puppy Mills
Make It illegal and regulate the sellers of dogs
It is of the upmost importance that we put an end to puppy mills and animal cruelty by requiring that all people intending to SELL a dog must have a license and only be allowed to sell one litter of one breed per year. Under licensing requirements, breeders must take a test which they pay for to illustrate that they understand how to care for their animals. License numbers, addresses, and phone numbers must be located in any advertisements for the sale of dogs and animal control will have the freedom to check out the facilities and health of all the dogs for sale, as well as, the mother of the puppies. Animal control will have the ability to remove animals from facilities deemed unfit for the animals. The operation of a puppy mill (to be defined as any facility in which a dog has had more than 2 liters or more than one dog of different breeds has had puppies within a span of two years) will be made a felony charge with a minimum sentence of three years in prison and maximum of five years in prison.
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