When does Animal rescue become DOMESTIC TERRORISM? When corporations operating under the guise of
You should take the time to read ALL of this, If you truly care about the American Farm. Let me start out by saying this. If you do NOT know what the United Nations sanctioned AGENDA 21 is, America, YOU SHOULD take the time out of your busy schedule and Google it / watch the videos on Youtube. Our national soverignty is at stake. If you dont know what that means, then you should be researching what NAFTA and the United Nations backed plan for "GLOBALIZATION" is. .How it is "working" into place as we speak. All while America sleeps.. What it means is gloablized government. Research NAFTA, North American Union, the EU / European Union. Then you will know what Agenda 21 is. Its not a "theory" its factual. Follow Senator / Presidental candidate RON PAUL if you dont believe what I am telling you.. You will realize that our nation is being bombarded by "evil" from all sides.. IN GOD WE TRUST.. Now to the topic at hand. My question for my government is, When does animal rescue become DOMESTIC TERRORISM? My answer is this. When corporations who classify themselves as "animal rights groups" are acting as "animal rescue groups" to obtain BILLIONS in donation dollars. Money obtained by fraudulent means or at least, not fully truthful, then they use those "rescue funds" for a "hidden agenda". By that I mean, they commercialize "we save puppy mill dogs" to tug on the heart strings of American and have done so VERY sucessfully in their efforts to obtained BILLIONS of dollars in funding for their mis-respesented efforts. They are about as interested in actually saving puppy mill dogs as my local government is in saving the countless stray animals they have killed in my own county over the years. Well, Unless by save you mean to "humanely euthanize". Most of this donation money, as you already know, is not even used to save these commericalized puppy mill dogs at all Infact they euthanize or dump most of these raid dogs off on some other less fortunate group/city HS/pound and use the money for everything BUT to save the lives of these animals.. Research these groups pension funds, salaries, perks and financial holdings if you actually care. Less than 1-2 % in ANY average year that they collect to save animals, actually goes TO SAVE AN ANIMAL. What this money IS being used for is to destroy meat production based businesses. Farming, A VIABLE commodity to our nation. They use that DONATED RESCUE MONEY to lobby state after state, law after law, in their BOMBARDUOUS efforts to make laws that either directly or indirectly are destroying the farming and meat production industries. Their hidden efforts have helped to destroy countless viable American jobs and the incomes of American famers. They are using "rescue funds" to lobby for laws that directly affect these farms ability to operate while slowly putting them out of business. All in their efforts to further a "vegan" headed agenda. Dont believe me? Read further. Their agenda IS the orchestrated destruction of the meat and farming producfion based industries of THEIR own nation. THAT my friend IS domestic terrorism. They are destroying the Farms of MY nation. The United States of America. while you OUR FEDERAL and STATE officals are doing little to NOTHING to protect them. I will say. I dont like it. Not when I can barely afford to eat now.. Not when millions of Americans are going to bed hungry at night. These people dont care about that at all. All they care about is the "agenda". I am writing this petition in an effort to help save our American farms as well as our to protect our community animal rescue groups now under assault by big business, corporate "animal rights" groups such as the ASPCA , PETA and HSUS. Just like most people, I believe that ALL animals should be treated humanely and there should be regulations. However, I dont believe that "rescue/animal rights groups" should be allowed to make one assault after another against our smaller farms and fight against community rescues to the point they are putting American farms, our ONLY viable food source in jeopardy, as well as destroying underfunded community shelters in a united effort to gain publicity to finance their vegan / vegetarian agenda. Its not secret how they go in and do these WELL publicized raids on other UNDER FUNDED , mostly NOKILL rescues. Do these publicity stunts on "how they are going to help these groups/ save these animals". Then they do no such thing. They have the AUDACITY in most instances to try to put these animal rescuers in jail! Then as if thats not enough? Many of the animals they take from these people TRYING to save these helpless dogs and cats, are sent off to city HS around the nation.. Do YOU call that rescue? They take the animals from people who are TRYING to save their lives only to turn them over to other already overcrowded , high rate KILL shelters and MANY times they are killed. THAT IS INSANE! These groups like the ASPCA and HSUS get a near 100 MILLION BUCKS A YEAR for their efforts. Yet they have the AUDACITY to "raid and abandon" these animals when they have been given BILLIONS in donations to save them? Am I the only one who thinks this IS illegal? Maybe thats because "saving" these animals is NOT their real intenerary. Over the last few years I have watched these corporate "aniimal rights" groups such as the HSUS, ASPCA and PETA and have realized that these groups are not animal rights groups or "rescuers" at all. What they appear to be are corporated political organizations running under the guise of rescue being spear-headed by VEGAN leadership such as the ASPCA's ceo Edwin Sayre, HSUS Wayne Pacelle and Ingrid Newkird of PETA. If you dont believe me, DO YOUR HOMEWORK before YOU allow "rescue groups" to assault our remaining few smaller farms and animal husbandry farms out of business. The public knows these groups have vested interest. A lot of which no doubt is being backed by the competitive, corporate farms themselves in an effort to destroy the competition. Passing laws where people, individuals, small farms cant even market their own product because of so many regulations that ORIGINATE OFF OF THE EFFORTS OF THESE GROUPS SUCH AS THE HSUS, ASPCA and PETA. Doing so while telling the public these laws are "for their health and protection". What bull. These animal rights groups are doing EXACTLY what these corporations want. REGULATIONS against all of their smaller competition. These groups have frauded the American donating public out of BILLIONS of dollars over the years off of the mis-conception that they are "puppy mill rescuers" when it simply isn't true. They ARE "puppy mill dog seize and abandoners" for the most part. They dont care about these puppy mill dogs for the most part. If they did they wouldnt be killing thousands of them. They have made "political" assaults and seized animals from countless owners over the years while televising, commericalizing and publicizing these events making commericials that tell and imply "we save puppy mill dogs", when they dont REALLY save most of them at all. MOST or many of these animals end up euthanized after being abandoned to overcrowded H.S. around the nation. GOOGLE THAT..See the truth for yourself FOLLOW THE RAIDS, research the kill stats of the groups that they send MOST of these "saved" dogs to. The "puppy mill scam" has given them the BILLIONS of dollars to bombard our states with THOUSANDS of laws that are one by one destroying our nations farms. . Am I the ONLY person on this planet left that does NOT believe that "animal rescue" means "humane euthanization" ? Than "humane, ethical, euthanize and all of their other "plug words" do NOT mean the same thing as the term "animal rescue"? When did rescue definitively become the SAME THING as killing? I certainly would not have dontated to ANY organization who told me they were saving animals had I known that they were actually abandoning most of them to be killed.. All in the name of ethical, humane rescue.. You should google these three groups VEGAN CEO leadership. Google "Edwin Sayre, Waye Pacelle and Ingrid Newkirk Individually while googling VEGAN at the same time. READ their commentary.. FOLLOW THE INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO OF THESE GROUPS. Literally DOZENS of investments in "meat oriented organizations". What does a vegan / vegetarian headed corporation need with "meat stock? Come on. How much more proof do you need? Theres more than plenty background/ commentary information available on these three groups and their CEOS regarding their "stance" against the cattle, poultry and meat production industry. These are NOT animal rights groups. These are POLITICAL groups gaining public donations by telling people that they are "animal rights groups who "rescue" puppy mill dogs. It should be illegal to steal money from the pockets of the American donating public while proclaiming yourself to be a "puppy mill rescuer" using your poltical clout to simultaneously assault by passage of law and invest in the farming industry, meat industries while also assaulting other smaller less fortunate rescue groups, particularly the no-kill ones their primary target, individuals and breeders while making accusations against these orgainzations based on half truths. ALL WHILE YOU ARE KILILNG MANY OF THE "RESCUES"? Am I the only one who sees something illegal in this scenario? DO YOU PEOPLE NOT BELIEVE KILLING "SAVED" ANIMALS IS ABUSE? PARTICULARLY when people have donated BILLIONS of dollars to your organization to save those same animals? That it makes you a frauding profiteer? These groups have for years used false/misleading information, un-ethical assault tactics slanderous donation drive campaigns to justify their assaults on the meat industry, which we all know is their primary target if we care enough to do our homework. They committ these assaults on other rescues, farms, breeders,people they call hoarders for one reason only, to draw donations to finance their united Vegan agenda. They use these "hoarder and puppy mill raids, assaults on other rescues while proclaiming themselves to be the saviors of animals, then kill thousands of them or abandon them off on other less fortunate shelters to be killed? What REAL VEGAN "animal rescuer" would steal peoples animals, tell people they are "saving puppy mill dogs" only to turn around and send most of them to large city HS to be mixed in with the general population in these already over crowded, under funded shelters to more than likely be killed with the rest? Come on people you are not THAT dumb.. THIS AINT RESCUE.. This is "raid and abandonment. A politically driven agenda FINANCED OFF THE BACKS OF SHELTER ANIMALS, PUPPY MILL DOGS, and countless other animals who are dying by the very hands sent by OUR, the donors money, to save them. All at the life expense of "puppy mill dogs".. I dont care if they choose to be vegan. I care that they are putting this nations farmers and food source in jeopardy with each and every one of their hundreds of farm assaults over the years gaining public support and financing while telling people they are saving "puppy mill dogs" , giving them backing to pass law after law, that inevitably has nothing to do with puppy mill dogs, but are infact, they are hidden attempts at regulating live stock farming as a whole. Are you people listening to the farmers at all? You are letting people who know NOTHING about farming, regulate the farming industry "out of business, one "law" at a time..People, you need to research the "death of the American farm". You WILL believe what I am telling you.. Dont you people realize that with every assault you are putting ONE MORE AMERICAN FARMER'S ability to produce food for YOU, this nation, and the world in jeopardy. Don't you see how expensive food already is. Can YOU AFFORD TO LET THIS KEEP HAPPENING because you want to be " politically correct"? Do you THIINK that when these groups "regulate" our own American farms out of business that the food that you will be ingesting from THIRD WORLD NATIONS will be any more "humanely treated" or less poisoned by chemicals than they were/are in our own nation? You better think people.. Use some common sense. We can't AFFORD to loose another american farm because of "regulations". One things for sure, small farms are being regulated out of business by large commericalized farms production.. ALL PART OF YOUR AGENDA 21.. Unless you people plan on growing your own food, you had better realize SOON what is happening here. Before our farms are regulated completely out of business and you are "surviving" off of the chemical laden, MERCILESSLY slaughtered, meat of other nations. Its YOUR choice. Think hard about..Before its too late. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION OUR FARMS ARE UNDER DIRE ASSAULT FROM THESE POLITICAL ORGANZATIONS. Even if you sign anonmyously these farmers need our help. They are being closed down and regulated out of business one by one.. This is why America is falling. Our American industries, factories and farms are being destroyed and sold out one by one by these corporate interest. They have had no protection from you, their own government. Agenda 21 is working isnt it? Corporate farming. Complete control of the food source. A complete controlled population. "He who controls the food source, controls the people". People who cant farm, grow their own food, cant complain much can they? Let me say this. The leadership of these three like minded politcal "animal rights groups" may or may not have the intellect to realize the far reaching implications and destructive nature of their actions. One things certain, they are part of the destructive problem. They are either knowingly or unknowingly working towards the same end game as corporate interest. ALL of their actions ARE directly causing tramatic injury to the American small (non-corporate) interested farms. Ignorance is no excuse. They should be held accountable for their actions. We, the donating public, SHOULD be told the truth and have access to all information regarding their behind the scenes sponsorship and INVESTED interest. Their actions are destroying our American farms whether they have the ability to recoginze the fault in their actions or not. They ARE legally accountable for their actions. YOU OUR ELECTED government is legally bound to ensure that they are held responsible. With every donation that you allow the unwary donating public to make to these groups, you are supporting DOMESTIC TERRORISM. What else CAN you call the willful, intentional infliction of financial stress on the meat production/farming industry as a whole when they KNOW what they are doing is destroying our own nations food source? The CEO's of these groups have made their agenda clear..The question is, are you listening to what they are saying. Are you REALIZING the dire. far reaching, repecussions of their "like minded" AGENDA? Maybe many of you do. Maybe you too are already in the pockets of corporate interest.. One things for sure, your willful ignorance is leading to the destruction of our farms. ALL of you ARE accountable. What I would really love to know is WHY you are not concerned? I know that many of you officals are from the farming belt states. THE BIBLE BELT STATES. Many of your friends, family and the very people that voted you into office are depending on you yet you are doing NOTHING to protect their interest. OUR interest.. Our FOOD sources. Its as if youve "left the farm" to fend for itself..Farms that many many times your own families worked so hard on. I can only imagine why you are not reacting.. Why you are not PROTECTING your own friends, familes and the people that voted for you. I think that the "clout" has gotten to many of you. You dont have the moral integrity and backbone to do whats right for THIS NATION. You care more about being poltically correct than taking the high ground. We have to wonder where your priorities lie. With your own people, or with BIG BUSINESS MONEY.. You are elected to protect EVERYONE.."WE THE PEOPLE" demand that you do your job and stand up for EVERY individual, farmer and group against the tyranny that is now destroying America and American Farms. (EXCUSE ALL TYPOS, BAD GRAMMAR, ETC) Just do your OWN research..
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