
Expel or Censure Congressman John Lewis for insulting the office of the President

This week Congressman Lewis expressed his opinion that President-elect Trump is Illegitimate. As an official representative of Congress, the statement Congressman Lewis express in an official capacity displays total disrespect towards the office of the President.

Mr. Lewis has a standard to uphold as a member of the House of Representatives. By stating that Donald Trump has been elected illegitimately after winning the Republican Primary then winning the general election against Hillary Clinton and finally having all the election results verified and approved by each individual state house and the Congress of the United States.

By stating that President-elect Trump is illegitimate, Mr. Lewis is calling for continued protest against the officially declared winner of the office of the President of the United States. As a private citizen, Mr. Lewis can state whatever position he desires, but as a member of the House of Representatives, he is held to a higher standard and should not publicly make a statement that amounts to TREASON!

In 2009, Congressman Joe Lewis was censured for outburst towards President Barack Obama during a speech to a joint session of Congress. He shouted "YOU LIE!"

The House of Representatives is expressly authorized to censure within the United States Constitution by Article I, Section 5, clause 2. In the history of the House, censure has been used 23 times.