
Media Integrity act

We are currently living in an age where the media is producing as much false information as they are reporting the truth. Media outlets have chosen sides which we all recognize through hearsay and small re-tractments on back pages if we are lucky, but we need to start to do something. We need to start to hold the media responsible for its actions. They are in a very fortunate situation where our demand for information is so high. In order to get that information we are willing to not only pay but offer special access and privileges to those who provide it. They have abused those powers to create influential positions and hostile political environments. It is time we hold them accountable and start revoking those privileges. Media outlets should never be able to endorse a political candidate in any way, shape or form. They are not entitled to report news based on their opinion. They are not because it's a demand created by the people and is for the people. This is something that can not be done unless the people give special access and privileges to those who provide it. Its time we start revoking those special rights to those who have and do abuse it. It is within the rights of the people to regulate and have oversight in the process of distributing information so we can be a properly educated public. It is our goal through providing special access and privileges that we ensure the people can not be restricted from receiving accurate reports of major events and occurrences. If the media distorts those reports to favor personal opinion or organizational agendas then the public has been defrauded and the process has been compromised. We need to begin to protect ourselves from the damaging effects mass misinformation can form. The common practice of biased and misinformation has been proven to incite violence throughout the public by the means of attacks on civilians and public servants. I petition my congress and senate to begin to put in place laws to penalize those who are found to intentionally and purposely distribute opinionated or false renditions of major events or occurrences of public interest.