Stop the Epipen Price Gouging
Investigate Mylan's 420% price increase on life-saving Epipen
We ask that there be an investigation and regulation into the 420% (adjusted for inflation!) increase in the price of Epipens since 2004.
Millions of people with severe allergies carry EpiPens to reverse life-threatening allergic reactions.
With this oppressive price increase, many EMT's and families are turning to manual syringes as a cheaper alternative, though doctors and patient advocates warn that it?s more complicated to get the correct dose of epinephrine and it administer safely with a syringe. Some families will be forced to hang on to expired Epipens, or worse, go without entirely.
There is no discernible reason for the increase other than Mylan's desire to use their monopoly to exploit the need for this life-saving medication for exorbitant profit.
Thank you.
Millions of people with severe allergies carry EpiPens to reverse life-threatening allergic reactions.
With this oppressive price increase, many EMT's and families are turning to manual syringes as a cheaper alternative, though doctors and patient advocates warn that it?s more complicated to get the correct dose of epinephrine and it administer safely with a syringe. Some families will be forced to hang on to expired Epipens, or worse, go without entirely.
There is no discernible reason for the increase other than Mylan's desire to use their monopoly to exploit the need for this life-saving medication for exorbitant profit.
Thank you.
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