Parental Alienation Child Abuse NO MORE. Automatic (50/50) shared joint custody by default in court..
Parental Alienation is child abuse by one parent who ?programs? the child or children of the marriage to denigrate or ?target? the other parent in an effort to undermine and interfere with the child?s relationship with that parent
We, the undersigned, are requesting The President of the United States, U.S. Congresspersons, Senators, and other Government employees and appointees to address the issue to Stop Parental Alienation and Make it a Crime Punishable by Law. As citizens of the U.S., we expect our government officials to represent us, address our valid concerns, having a severe impact, both short and long term, violence on our children's population.
We call upon our representatives to take measures to preserve family Integrity and abolish state sponsored Parental Alienation and Child Protective Service child-taking - too. We propose that child custody should no longer be decided by one Judge but by a panel of 6 to 12 Jurors. The aim of the petition is to make the general public, judges, police officers, mental health care workers, child protection agencies, lawyers, as well as friends and family of the targeted children or their parents become aware of this growing problem. We need your help to protect the innocent children. We need your help to educate and make aware to the public the effects of Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting.
This petition is for all children world wide who are suffering as a result of the selfish affairs between two parents. When a child is alienated from a parent, it is not just a mere separation between two people, it is the creation of a life-long hiatus affecting the child for the rest of his/her life.
The emotional hole left in the child from the loss of a parent is generally filled with a great deal of negativity including, but not limited to: eating disorders, cutting themselves, criminal activities, antisocial and acting out behaviors, defiance, disrespect for all authority, cognitive distortion, depression, anxiety and suicide.
Parental Alienation is child abuse by one parent who ?programs? the child or children of the marriage to denigrate or ?target? the other parent in an effort to undermine and interfere with the child?s relationship with that parent. This syndrome is often a sign of the offending parent?s inability to separate from the couple?s conflict and focus on the child?s needs. Rather, the offending parent uses the children in his or her war against the other parent.
Parental Alienation deprives children of their right to be loved and to show love to both of their parents. The alienating parent (and often other family members) mentally manipulate or bully children into believing a loving parent is the cause of all of the their or the family?s problems; therefore the other parent must be the enemy, be feared, hated, disrespected and avoided. Hatred is not a normal emotion for children, rather it must be taught.
Signs of Parental Alienation include:
1.Bad -mouthing
2.Limiting Contact
3.Withdrawing love/getting angry
4.Telling child target parent doesn?t love him or her
5.Forcing child to choose/express loyalty
6.Bad-mouthing to create impression targeted parent is dangerous
7.Confiding in child about adult relationship
8.Limiting contact with extended family
9.Belittling target parent in front of child
10.Creating conflict between child and target parent
Every child has a fundamental right and need for a loving relationship with both parents and to be denied that right by one parent, without sufficient justification (abuse, serious neglect, etc.), is in itself a form of child abuse, since it is the child who is violated by an alienating parent?s behavior. The children suffer most. Reunification of the family takes a skilled professional and can be a trying time since the children are often in a continued abusive relationship with the alienating parent, who cannot let go of his or her own conflict with the other parent.
Children deserve better as Parental Alienation leaves children with deep emotional scars as damaging as abducted children or victims of sexual abuse and extreme conflicts. Children often are left with post-traumatic stress syndrome due to the damage caused by the alienating parent. The severe effects of Parental Alienation on children are well-documented: low self-esteem and self-hatred, lack of trust, depression and substance abuse are widespread in children who have suffered through parental alienation. Children internalize the hatred that is taught to be targeted to the alienated parent.
The absence of love and the lack of presence to the child from many of his/her family members, such as: Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Brothers, and Sisters. It uproots the child's identity, and by doing this horrific act they are destroying the child's emotional foundation.
Parental Alienation Syndrome does not differentiate age. Parental Alienation Syndrome does not prejudice only the very young. Parental Alienation Syndrome is real and can affect anyone of any age and gender. It is ageless, genderless and most of all, the most painful form of psychological abuse a guardian can inflict on another human being. Until the judges, counselors, child protection agencies and attorneys accept the fact that Parental Alienation Syndrome has no preferences and can occur to anyone at any time in his or her life, this form of Domestic Violence will continue to grow and destroy families.
What we do to help our children today as a nation will remain immortal. We must abolish Parental Alienation.Parental Alienation is a crime committed against innocent children and should be punishable by law.
Please don't allow another child to suffer due to Parental Alienation. Make the difference by signing this petition.
Please, help abolish Parental Alienation. It affects all of us.
We must have emotionally stable children in order to live in a stable world.
If you are reading this petition find it in your heart to understand the pain and the suffering of innocent children. Every single signature is going to make the difference to help abolish the pain and suffering due to Parental Alienation.
Being there for your children at all times is the indispensable element of pure love.
Dr. Michelle King
We, the undersigned, are requesting The President of the United States, U.S. Congresspersons, Senators, and other Government employees and appointees to address the issue to Stop Parental Alienation and Make it a Crime Punishable by Law. As citizens of the U.S., we expect our government officials to represent us, address our valid concerns, having a severe impact, both short and long term, violence on our children's population.
We call upon our representatives to take measures to preserve family Integrity and abolish state sponsored Parental Alienation and Child Protective Service child-taking - too. We propose that child custody should no longer be decided by one Judge but by a panel of 6 to 12 Jurors. The aim of the petition is to make the general public, judges, police officers, mental health care workers, child protection agencies, lawyers, as well as friends and family of the targeted children or their parents become aware of this growing problem. We need your help to protect the innocent children. We need your help to educate and make aware to the public the effects of Parental Alienation and Hostile Aggressive Parenting.
This petition is for all children world wide who are suffering as a result of the selfish affairs between two parents. When a child is alienated from a parent, it is not just a mere separation between two people, it is the creation of a life-long hiatus affecting the child for the rest of his/her life.
The emotional hole left in the child from the loss of a parent is generally filled with a great deal of negativity including, but not limited to: eating disorders, cutting themselves, criminal activities, antisocial and acting out behaviors, defiance, disrespect for all authority, cognitive distortion, depression, anxiety and suicide.
Parental Alienation is child abuse by one parent who ?programs? the child or children of the marriage to denigrate or ?target? the other parent in an effort to undermine and interfere with the child?s relationship with that parent. This syndrome is often a sign of the offending parent?s inability to separate from the couple?s conflict and focus on the child?s needs. Rather, the offending parent uses the children in his or her war against the other parent.
Parental Alienation deprives children of their right to be loved and to show love to both of their parents. The alienating parent (and often other family members) mentally manipulate or bully children into believing a loving parent is the cause of all of the their or the family?s problems; therefore the other parent must be the enemy, be feared, hated, disrespected and avoided. Hatred is not a normal emotion for children, rather it must be taught.
Signs of Parental Alienation include:
1.Bad -mouthing
2.Limiting Contact
3.Withdrawing love/getting angry
4.Telling child target parent doesn?t love him or her
5.Forcing child to choose/express loyalty
6.Bad-mouthing to create impression targeted parent is dangerous
7.Confiding in child about adult relationship
8.Limiting contact with extended family
9.Belittling target parent in front of child
10.Creating conflict between child and target parent
Every child has a fundamental right and need for a loving relationship with both parents and to be denied that right by one parent, without sufficient justification (abuse, serious neglect, etc.), is in itself a form of child abuse, since it is the child who is violated by an alienating parent?s behavior. The children suffer most. Reunification of the family takes a skilled professional and can be a trying time since the children are often in a continued abusive relationship with the alienating parent, who cannot let go of his or her own conflict with the other parent.
Children deserve better as Parental Alienation leaves children with deep emotional scars as damaging as abducted children or victims of sexual abuse and extreme conflicts. Children often are left with post-traumatic stress syndrome due to the damage caused by the alienating parent. The severe effects of Parental Alienation on children are well-documented: low self-esteem and self-hatred, lack of trust, depression and substance abuse are widespread in children who have suffered through parental alienation. Children internalize the hatred that is taught to be targeted to the alienated parent.
The absence of love and the lack of presence to the child from many of his/her family members, such as: Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Brothers, and Sisters. It uproots the child's identity, and by doing this horrific act they are destroying the child's emotional foundation.
Parental Alienation Syndrome does not differentiate age. Parental Alienation Syndrome does not prejudice only the very young. Parental Alienation Syndrome is real and can affect anyone of any age and gender. It is ageless, genderless and most of all, the most painful form of psychological abuse a guardian can inflict on another human being. Until the judges, counselors, child protection agencies and attorneys accept the fact that Parental Alienation Syndrome has no preferences and can occur to anyone at any time in his or her life, this form of Domestic Violence will continue to grow and destroy families.
What we do to help our children today as a nation will remain immortal. We must abolish Parental Alienation.Parental Alienation is a crime committed against innocent children and should be punishable by law.
Please don't allow another child to suffer due to Parental Alienation. Make the difference by signing this petition.
Please, help abolish Parental Alienation. It affects all of us.
We must have emotionally stable children in order to live in a stable world.
If you are reading this petition find it in your heart to understand the pain and the suffering of innocent children. Every single signature is going to make the difference to help abolish the pain and suffering due to Parental Alienation.
Being there for your children at all times is the indispensable element of pure love.
Dr. Michelle King
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