
National Don\'t Make Your Bed Day

Petition draft of Bill for National Holiday

My name is Shannon Barba and I reside in Tijeras, New Mexico. I am in the fifth grade at Calvary Christian Academy.

I am writing you to ask that you help me figure out a way to institute National Don?t Make Your Bed Day. I have made my bed every day since I was 4 years old. I make it so my parents are proud of me. But sometimes, I get really tired of making my bed. I think grown-ups get tired of making their beds too. I think everyone in our country would enjoy one day where they don?t have to make their bed and not feel bad about it. I suggest December 21st of every year because that is the shortest day of the year this year. On that day, we spend the least amount of time out of bed and so it would be nice to leave it unmade.

I appreciate your help and ask that you please send me a response letting me know if you are able to pass a Bill that would make a ?National Don?t Make Your Bed Day?.

I have been in contact with my state senator; however at this time he said Congress is busy with more pressing matters. I respect that, however, I would like to continue my campaign. Even though Senator Udall said I don't have to make my bed on December 21st, I am concerned for all the other kids in our country.

Thank you for your time and considering my request.