Tania, Suffering Elephant in a Romanian Zoo
To Whom It May Concern:
Tania is an Asian elephant at the Trgu Mures Zoo she is distressed and confined to only 90 sq ft with no adequate habitat to fit her needs. Tania has nowhere near the amount of space needed whether she is inside or outside, the place is too small for any elephant. Even 10,000 sq ft. is not enough for her. I am requesting that you urge the Romanian Government and authorities in control of her be made to let advocates transfer her to a sanctuary.
Due to extreme cold winters in Romania Tania is cooped up for six months at a time. This adds to the deterioration of her feet. No vet can correct this as long as she cannot move & will kill her.
Tania's insecure fencing is also a concern. If electrified it could kill her and if not she could easily bolt out and the public could be in great danger. If they are unable to provide the proper security for her it could result in her being chained and leading to mental anguish.
Signs of Tania?s distress by swaying and bobbing can be seen in these videos:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pisaO4v9FGM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLVJpFursU8
This link is to give you an idea of the habitat size required for an animal this large: http://www.elephantpepper.org/downloads/Concept%20of%20home%20range.pdf
I ask that Tania be given the life every elephant deserves, one of freedom. Thousands of people are horrified at her treatment, and even though new, they are inadequate facilities for Tania. I ask that you urge the Romanian Government and authorities in control of her be made to let advocates transfer her to a sanctuary.
Yours faithfully,
Tania is an Asian elephant at the Trgu Mures Zoo she is distressed and confined to only 90 sq ft with no adequate habitat to fit her needs. Tania has nowhere near the amount of space needed whether she is inside or outside, the place is too small for any elephant. Even 10,000 sq ft. is not enough for her. I am requesting that you urge the Romanian Government and authorities in control of her be made to let advocates transfer her to a sanctuary.
Due to extreme cold winters in Romania Tania is cooped up for six months at a time. This adds to the deterioration of her feet. No vet can correct this as long as she cannot move & will kill her.
Tania's insecure fencing is also a concern. If electrified it could kill her and if not she could easily bolt out and the public could be in great danger. If they are unable to provide the proper security for her it could result in her being chained and leading to mental anguish.
Signs of Tania?s distress by swaying and bobbing can be seen in these videos:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pisaO4v9FGM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLVJpFursU8
This link is to give you an idea of the habitat size required for an animal this large: http://www.elephantpepper.org/downloads/Concept%20of%20home%20range.pdf
I ask that Tania be given the life every elephant deserves, one of freedom. Thousands of people are horrified at her treatment, and even though new, they are inadequate facilities for Tania. I ask that you urge the Romanian Government and authorities in control of her be made to let advocates transfer her to a sanctuary.
Yours faithfully,
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